Understanding The Anointing.

Sermon by Bsh. Paul Maina Founder Rivers of Joy Ministries Kenya. 2 Kings 13:14-21 NIV Now Elisha had been suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. “My father! My father!” he cried. “The chariots and horsemen...

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Prayer is a reverent petition made by man to God, god or any object of worship. Through prayer we are able to freely communicate to our deity. In the Christian perspective it is therefore an opportunity for a believer to pour out his or her thought and feelings to God...

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Jesus is in His fullness God

Looking at the old testament, whenever God show up to the Israelite, His presence was unbearable because in His glorious power all things are with no excuse of responding. Therefore all this in response to His power we witness mass destruction as everything looses power to hold itself still for...

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Understanding Salvation

Through Christ all things came into existence John1:1-1. The point of understanding salvation begins where one realizes why and how they came to exist. To know the reason as to why you should live is not as important as knowing how you came into existence. This because how you came...

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Through Christ all things came into existence John1:1-1. The point of understanding salvation begins where one realizes why and how they came to exist. To know the reason as to why you should live is not as important as knowing how you came into existence. This because how you came...

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Birth for a Rebirth

Jesus was born for our rebirth… That is for our salvation The birth of Jesus was prophetic from the fall of man Jesus was brought to the picture. Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall...

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