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Wherever God Sends Us He Comes Alongside us

Welcome to this week’s exhortation By Pst. David Macharia
Hallelujah! The Lord reigns.
Reference passage: Exodus23:20-31.
We see God continuing to issue instructions to the children of Israel on what to do on their journey to and also how to live in, the promised land.
God tells us that He will be with us throughout the journey by sending His Angel to go before us. He asks us to obey his word because God’s name is in Him. As a result of our obedience, God is promising to be an enemy unto our enemies and an adversary unto our adversaries. God Himself will bring us face to face into the enemy’s territory but warns us not to bow to their gods, nor do as they do. He demands we offer our worship only unto Him. We should maintain our originality as belonging to Jehovah God. He is a Jealous God (Exo.20:5, 34:14, Deut.4:24) and demands all glory to be given to Him (Isa.42:8). When we serve Him, He will bless our bread and water, take away sicknesses from us and also make us productive giving fullness to our days. God is going to satisfy us with long life and show us His salvation (Psalm91:16).
As we advance He will send His terror before us causing our enemies to turn their backs on us and driving them out. However He shall drive them out little by little until we are increased enough to take up possession of the land. Brothers, this means that we must increase in the knowledge of our God. We must increase in faith in our God. We must multiply.
God will then set up our boarders. I infer to you that we have been given grace that’s enough to dominate in our area of gifting (Ephe.4:7). Identify your boarder and operate therein for only then can you perform optimally. Let us arise and shine for our Light is with us.
Wherever God sends us He comes alongside us
Glory be to God.

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