- We believe in the holy trinity, the only one true God and that Godhead consists of God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit; Three in One and One in Three.
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired authoritative word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21)
- We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His incarnation, crucifixion, divine bodily resurrection, His ascension to glory and his promised second coming.
- We believe in salvation through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, which is by grace through faith and not by works.
- We believe in Jesus’ Power to save, to heal and sustain Christians to live holy and pure lives by the enabling of the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the observance of water baptism after salvation; immersion in the name of God the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:10 – 20) and the lord’s supper as commended in the holy bible.
- We believe marriage is honorable and should be between two adults, a male and a female who agree to be joined together as husband and wife.
- We believe a holy matrimony is between two born again believers of the opposite sex who publicly come and take their vows before the church to live together a husband and wife according to the word of God.
- We believe marriage was intended to be a life covenant between a couple, after death the one who remains is free to remarry; divorce is not acceptable in the church except as commanded in the word of God. (Mal 2:14-16; 1 Cor. 7:10-15; Mat 5:31,32;19:4-9)
- We believe in the baptism in the holy spirit with the manifestation of speaking in tongues (Acts 2;4, 10:46, 19:6) and the present ministry of the spirit in and through the believers as manifested in the ministry gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 4:11, 1 cor. 19:9-11, Gal. 5:22-23)
- We believe in the bodily resurrection, eternal life for the righteous and eternal punishment for the wicked.
- We believe in the return of Jesus Christ personally and visibly in power and glory to consummate His salvation and judgement; the coming of the new heaven and new earth in which righteousness will dwell and God will reign forever.
- We believe in tithing and offering according to the book of Malachi 3:10